Monday, August 11, 2014

Conclusion Post

This English 1010 class was great. I really learned a lot of useful information in here in a way that was exciting and new.  I love that we had to keep a blog as a portfolio for this class because it was something new and really went along with our subject for our class.  I feel that I could have taken more time on the essays I wrote and could have actually gone to the writing center to get them checked out. I think if I could have redone this semester I would have only taken English instead of trying to juggle a full time schedule with English and Math. This made it extremely difficult for me to excel in both subjects.

I learned a lot about formatting essays which I think will help me in future classes as well. I never did understand how to properly use MLA until I took this class.  I also learned a lot about my (e)dentity which I thought was an extremely neat idea. I never thought about the fact that I have two identities.  

From now on I will be concsious about what I am posting online and will always wonder what if what I am posting online is a true reflection of my life. I will miss you as a teacher and I will miss the discussions we had in class. Thank you for a great semester!