Sunday, June 29, 2014

In Class Writing 1

This in-class writing is about my (E)Dentity versus my Identity.

Words that describe my Identity :

- Creative
- Dilatory (I tend to procrastinate)
- Family Oriented
- Crazy about kids
- Bookworm
- Asian American
- Horrible at math
- Adventurous
- Impulsive
- Clumsy

I see myself as an odd combination of clumsy and caring. My life revolves around my family and I can't seem to get over my love of children. I am an Asian-American who, surprisingly, is horrible at math. It seems no matter how much I try I am unable to stop procrastinating with my school work. Outside of school and my family life I am adventurous and impulsive and am always trying to live out whichever book I am currently reading.

Words that describe my (E)Dentity :

- Family Oriented
- Horrible at Math
- Adventurous
- Creative

My (E)Dentity mostly consists of Facebook posts as I do not have a Twitter or any other social media accounts. The little I do post on Facebook consists of picture taken of the three children I nanny which I would imagine portrays my love for children. I also occasionally post pictures of my latest craft projects, the results of a creative impulses acted upon. If I was someone else looking through my profile I would think that I was a well-travelled person who could start a book club with the amount of books I've read and, maybe, depends on Facebook too much as a math tutor.

The Differences:

Though there are many similarities when it comes to my Identity and my (E)Dentity I would have to say that there are many differences as well. An (E)Dentity cannot capture my emotions or the quirkiness of a situation as well as actual interaction can. My (E)Dentity seems happy and carefree when my Identity is defined by so many little things that aren't posted online or tweeted about. You cannot really get to know a person until you have interacted with them through many different situations. In conclusion I believe we should not judge people by their (E)Dentities...there is much more than what meets the eye.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


This blog is created for my English 1010 class as a paperless storage for my assignments. This is how I came up with the name "The Cabinet". I will be posting an array of different writings on here ranging from 3-page research essays to daily summaries that are only a few paragraphs. I find this an interesting and unique approach to class and am very excited to see it develop.

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."

- Maya Angelou, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings