Monday, July 7, 2014

In class Writing #3: The Bounty of the Sea Summary

Opening Statement: This article is about humans affect on oceans and the oceans affect on us.

Heading/Fact: Humans are destroying oceans with trash, oil spills, and poisons.

Heading/Fact: If ocean life dies off, all of the billions of life forms would start decaying causing an intolerable stink.

Heading/Fact: The oceans help prevent a "greenhouse effect" by keeping carbon dioxide levels in check.

Heading/Fact: With dead oceans the temperature would rise causing the ice caps to melt, the oceans to rise, and people to move inland.

Heading/Fact: The decay in the the ocean would prevent evaporation causing drought and famine.

Conclusion: The death of the ocean would cause our lands to die and subsequently humans would perish.

This article is about humans affect on oceans and the oceans affect on us. Humans are destroying oceans with trash, oil spills, and poisons. If ocean life dies off, all of the billions of life forms would start decaying causing an intolerable stink. The oceans help prevent a "greenhouse effect" by keeping carbon dioxide levels in check. With dead oceans the temperature would rise causing the ice caps to melt, the ocean levels to rise, and people to move inland. The decay in the ocean would prevent evaporation causing drought and famine. The death of the ocean would cause our lands to die and subsequently humans would perish.

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