Sunday, July 6, 2014

Journal #4: My Fourth Of July

This Fourth of July was by far the best I've had in years for the simple fact it was spent with my family (except mother who is currently on vacation in Korea). I had the opportunity to take my nephew to Layton days. We filled ourselves with elephant ears and mexican food and played on the rides there. I've never seen a 4 year old so tired but so excited for whatever we were planning on doing next.
After the festivities I had the opportunity to learn how to grill steaks. Which turned out amazing if I may say so myself. We finished off dinner with strawberry shortcake and an amazing firework show put on by my brother in law.
I realized today that technology may hinder our ability to socialize but it can also bring us together. I received an email on my phone telling me about Layton Days and the festivities going on. It was also much simpler using my phone to take pictures of my adorable nephew. Technology is what you make of it.

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